Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Put Culture in Confederacies

I was gratified to receive a number of responses to my Cultural Confederacies posting a few weeks ago. Perhaps the most endearing was the guy who suggested I find the nearest airport to fly out of the country and don’t let the loading ramp hit me on the way out. I love reasoned arguements, don’t you? I did enjoy however, the furtive comment of several people that in their heart they wished the North had just let the Confederacy go. To them I say, better late than never.

Its hard to think of oneself as a traitor, at least for me. Far from it. I rather consider myself a proto-patriot, trying to figure out how to work towards a humane organizing system which will nurture most of my fellow citizens as we ride the roller coaster of the next half century. If the current undercurrent of anger and frustration is any indication, then things are about to change, especially here in an America where the bankers have staged a quiet coup. If you don’t believe me on that, perhaps you would believe someone with more credibility. what about Bill Moyers?

Meanwhile Glen Beck continues urging the Religious Racist Right to plot the overthrow of Obama while most of the country is mesmerized by trivial parlor tricks like the balloon boy hoax. Don't people get it that they are being had?

America is falling apart while most of us just watch it like another version of reality TV. Those of us who care need to make at least feeble attempts at alternatives plans. Rather than continued anger at the failure of the various systems or vague hope that the existing systems can be saved, I think it is time to generate some ideas which answer the real challenge of the moment. That challenge is to accept that things are deeply broken and to provide some rational thinking about how we can humanely put things back together. There are no guideposts in this quest, so its worth trying to come up with a new logic.

One interesting question that kept coming up in response to the Confederacies pos: was, Well, how do you foresee getting from here to there? How would these 5 new countries happen? Yes, that is an interesting question. Actually it is a conversation, and it seems that conversations should start with a clarification of my premise.

The basic premise is that we need to find some glue which will hold people together into some kind of voluntary decision structure which can loosely be called a government. The pursuit of money, or was that “happiness”, seemed to suffice for a couple of hundred years. As things have been imploding for the past few years, a number of folks seem to be realizing that there may be real limits to that concept. So we get a natural return to the old isms as the answer (socialism, anarchism etc.). I suspect we need a new model of social organization altogether.

I would start by taking biology and the popular trend towards voluntary simplicity into consideration. An elegant approach to new governance could build on small scale, simple answers rather than the overly complex mega system of governance and finance we have created of late.

So my first step was to think of the basic building block of our systems of cooperation, values and direction. This led to the idea that shared culture was the key component to building a system in which most of the participants felt secure and nurtured. Cultural Confederacies is based on a simple assumption that our cultural connections are deeper and more emotionally resonant than our political and economic associations, American mythology not withstanding.

For the formative idea of culture I take my cues from Oswald Spengler in Decline of the West. He gives a primacy to “Cultures” which he sees as

spring with primitive strength from the soil of a mother region to which it remains firmly bound throughout its whole life cycle: each stamping of its material, its mankind, in its own image; each having its own ideas, its own passions its own life will and feeling, its won death.”

Spengler also see the undermining of culture as it mutates into “civilization” which begins to provide more importance to its structural values than that of the human participants. His critique of the West is deepened by his jaundiced view of democracy which is ruled by money and is therefore easily corruptible. A simplistic way of looking at this might be that money is not the corruptor of democracy, but rather that democracy uses money to corrupt culture.

Though there is a certain Germanic density about his work, Spengler is a remarkable multiculturalist. As am I. He saw the decline of culture into civilization as the way that people loose their vitality and vision. There seems to be a lot of that lost vitality in today’s world as the forces of privilege and corrupt religions buy the public attention.

For a moment, imagine a devolution into multiple culture based states, each developing its own internal strengths and directions. The diversity of this system would provide the possibility of some real vitality in the nurturing of individuals in safer environments than now offered by our rampant compeititveness.

I am also proposing this because part of me doesn’t want to accept the historical inevitability of decline as projected by Spengler. Might there be a way of helping stoke the dampened fires of culture to rediscover the authenticity of experience. For instance, as the world becomes more intertwined with its electronic nervous system, might those virtual links obviate the need for the grosser infrastructure of civilization like the megastate? Small is beautiful. In a small state we share a lot of positive values which bind us through the shared memes of our culture. These same values can metastisize into social disfunctions when they are imposed through the larger state. Regional religious culture is a good example of how that happens.

Perhaps we can consciously work at fanning the flames of our dying cultures rather than accepting the march of “progress” towards eventual decline.

Here I would like to mention another important book on our varied Anglo-American cultures. Its Albion’s Seed by D. H. Fischer. In it, he explores the origins of the American regional cultures and how they grew out of disparate English cultures which migrated to America in the 17th century. When I read it, I was amazed to see the continuity of these cultures in our lives and politics. In his thesis you can understand the deep basis of divisions of the cultures of New England, the South and Appalachia.

Even science seems to be getting involved in affirming the key strengths of our cultural bonds. Last week in the Times, David Brooks had a piece on the Young and the Neuro, on how neuroscience has begun to understand the ways behaviors and preferences get imprinted. One friend suggested that this research will only lead to a pill which will “cure” culture. Of course he sees domination based conspiracies everywhere. I more suspect such research will reveal how complex, varied and deep are the roots of culture. There will be no cure, nor should there be.

That is my rationale for the base line of finding natural cultural boundaries which would define the new governance. Obviously I am still struggling with an elegant logical presentation, but the foundation blocks are becoming firmer. This conception is still formative and the next challenge is to address the path from here to there.

For that path, I suspect there will be many branchings and dead ends. We are entering a extended period of political and economic chaos after all. We do ourselves no favors to imagine that tomorrow will look like today. Rather, we need to imagine a vision of tomorrow which might help fix the damages of today. That vision, as it is built can provide hope and direction. In that, I don't mean the Obama hope that we can craft a consensus around the status quo. I mean a hope that we can all join in a great adventure to find a new path through the frightening near future.

My culture based systems at least offer some prospect of internal cohesion and support. They would offer a small respite from the carnage of today’s status based decision systems since the culture wants to protect its own.

Next time, we can talk about the political vision which might make such human scale entities possible. I am betting that it has some melding of Progressivism and Libertarianism.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overtures to a Storm

I admit, your average blogger seems to have reams of new revelations to make on a daily basis. I don’t seem to have the bloggariah gene. So the posts come when they come.

Danogenes has become introspective of late, so he has had little to share. Events keep marching with remarkably little protest from those being rolled over. You should go see Michael Moore's Capitalism a Love Story. Much of it is well trod ground fro Moore, but several of the stories are affecting and infuriating.

Gliding past Moore's polemics, what struck me most was a deep sense of awe at the power of our oligarchs to create and continually orchestrate all the elements of a powerful but flawed collective dream. My personal introspection comes from a sense of impotence at seeing any meaningful way of effecting any change in the steamroller of the growing coup of the financial titans. In my thoughts, the same themes repeat as if in a broken symphony. The candle of honesty shone in the faces I find reflects a dark hole.

Nobody seems to actually care that the climate destruction may have actually passed the point of no return, or that is the point where whatever changes we make to future consumption will be inconsequential to averting a catastrophe. Everyone goes on with they actually believe the economy as we have known it will magically rejuvenate and provide for our collective maintenance of current realities. The short form of that perception is that us Boomers are about to find out that the promise of retirement and future ease has been erased forever.I am amazed that we aren't dealing with issues that are visible ahead rather than staring at a pleasant past glowing in our rearview mirror.

For instance, it seems that us proto geezers had better start making good friends with our children, because they are going to have us living with them for quite a long time. If we are really lucky, our collective incomes might be sufficient to keep paying the rent. But then, a interesting future challenge arises. Who will be how to decide who makes “the rules of the house”. I guess that will be the stuff of a lot of blogs in 10 years.

Now we come to the essence of my personal challenge. The future has been clearish, but my timing has been way off. Friends make fun of me for a long career of doomsaying. And they are right. I can only explain it by saying that certain paths are clear into the future, but having seen where things are going, I have missed the stately pace of events that need to unfold to get us there.

For instance, It was evident in 1987 that there was going to be a day of reckoning on our post war debt binge. I thought that day was immanent, but I gotta admit, the bankers lacky, Alan Greenspan sure kept it at bay with the constant pump on the debt bubble.

For what its worth, I believe that if we had allowed the Great Recession in 89 we would already be into a new healthy growth period. But no, taking away continual growth was too great a burden for my fellow Americans. We inflated assets instead and got this wonderful world of banking oligarchs and a rapidly disappearing middle class. This dance has gone on so far that I’m thinking that the economic collapse of the past year is merely a gentle squall compared to the fury of the coming storm.

Here is the elephant in the room as I see it. We have had a wonderful 30 years of run up in the value of our investments. Real Estate blossomed, the stock market boomed and everybody became convinced that patient investment in their collected assests was ultimately going to provide riches and security. There was never any real consideration of the actual worth of those assets in relation to the real world around us. As long as we all believed (because if you didn't believe, wealth would never come your way) that real estate would always go up in value. If you did regular purchase of stocks, so would the stock market. Even now, we still believe that once the "correction" is over everything is still going to be wonderful. (BTW, did anyone ever notice that 401Ks were investment accounts, not savings accounts?)

What that big elephant in the room is really telling us is: once the bubbles burst there is no going back. That is the painful prospect that faces us at this moment. The property values are not going to start climbing again, they may even decline a whole bunch more. The stock market is rigged like a casino with the High Frequency Traders controlling the wheel. We know in our hearts that the next 20 years will not be like the last, but we still refuse to make real choices based on that knowledge. Somehow, we are convinced that with enough belief and determination it will all turn around. We have no plan B to turn to if that doesn’t happen.

So I return to the one big question which constantly runs through my mind; why we can’t actually agree to downscale our expectations and pull back from our obscene collective level of demand? I then keep assuming that it has to do with status. We all need a sense of status in the world, which is difficult to internally generate. But why?

One explanation was provided by Dimitri Orlov in his Club Orlov posting which takes this all down to an even more guteral level. We do it because we just can't go back. Once you have flush toilets, you cant use an outhouse. However, I think he has a point. In a debate a friend want to know why people must demand technical solutions to problems like hanging solar panels and electric cars when it would be simpler to cut back demand and change the lifestyle so a car is not needed.

Orlov: I have thought about this long and hard, and came to the conclusion that it all comes down to a very basic question: "How to please a girl?" After all, any modern, progressive, educated and attractive person begins to scoff if you take away her flush toilet and substitute a bucket, or if she has to go shopping leading a donkey, or if, instead of a shower, she is invited to go and stoke a sauna. From time immemorial status in society has been determined by access to luxury goods. As society becomes richer, luxuries turn into necessities. And when society starts to grow poorer again, it turns out that there is no going back. That is, there is a way back, but it is blocked by the innate tendencies of our clever species. …It is very hard, gentlemen, to change the lifestyle, but not change the woman! If someone succeeds in this, then he is a hero and a genius, and we should all learn from him.

OK, I know there are a number of my female friends who will be insulted by his framing. On the other hand, there may be a number of the guys who agree. Of course I would be interested in comments.

Personally, I think the issue of status and how it is measured is one of the great unstated questions of our age. Celebrities have status, the rich have status. Hell they get all the attention in the press and blogosphere. If you listen on the train platforms and in the gym, the talk is of the celebrated. People seem to think that living vicariously through the elite is really how they should speed their time and attention. I don’t know about you, but I believe that where people put their attention is also where they put their values. Right now, those values are screwed.

OK, enough of fulminating. On to something positive.

Speaking of Attention, might I suggest you in Massachusetts pay some attention to Alan Khazei who is running for the Senate nomination. He is the first guy I have seen in a long time that talks about citizenship and participation rather than what votes he is going to make when he gets elected. Big Citizenship, what a concept. He is a long shot, but I beg you Mass voters to consider checking him out for the December primary. Hey, I have even volunteered some video services for him. You can see the result on Youtube of my signature petition training video. So much for that pitch.

Next time, I will explore steps to Cultural Confederacies and how a Progressive Libertarian vision might emerge.