Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cultural Confederacies

Have you ever wondered that maybe, just maybe things are breaking down at an accelerating rate? If so, maybe we have to stop trying to fix a broken system and start over with a brand new one?

Yeah, I know, this is supposed to be a bolg from the less established press, but I have to hand it to mainstream's Maureen Dowd in the Sunday Times “Boy oh Boy” who got it just about right. The Tea Parties, and the Town Halls the kerfluffel over the President addressing school children are really about one thing, and one thing only. This is all about a big part of the country’s inability to deal with a black guy as President.

I should learn to post faster. This morning, as I am about to put this up, I hear that Jimmy Carter says the same thing, (Yay Jimmy!) so at least it is out there with a bigger microphone than I can muster. The problem is, will we just wring our hands at the awfulness of it all or will we start thinking of new ways of dealing with the issues.

Maybe its time to admit that we should not be living in the same country as these folks who will have no compromise or reason in their position. As William Faulkner reminded us about the South; "The past is never dead. It's not even past." The Confederacy has been waiting 145 years to rise again, and this time, my friends, I suggest we let them.

Really, If the South wants to have their own barbaric way free from the controls of our central government, its time to let them go. The same goes for all those survivalist Libertarians in the Mountain states and Southwest. They can go too.

If anyone in the putative leadership of this country were willing to have an honest navel gaze, I suspect they might admit that the USA, as now constituted, is ungovernable. We have three hundred million rugged individuas divided by a common language. I think its time to redraw the maps and start over.

Let me suggest that we are really five countries sandwiched between Canada and Mexico. If so, the only way we can avoid a future of chaotic civil wars is by ending the fiction that out of the many we can make one. We no longer have a frontier where those who feel constrained by others can go, and, as a body politic, we are obviously not making decisions based on the best interests of the majority. Our divisions are deep, pervasive and arguably unbridgeable. It is time for the waring regions to declare irreparable differences and agree to an amicable divorce.

We need to recognize that we can only create civil societies with those who share our ideas of civility. Nobody can humanely live in a country in which another culture is constantly trying to impose its reality on them, or vice versa. And thats where we are in America right now.

Personally, I no longer think it is possible work out plausible compromises on major public issues with people who shout down dissenting opinions while believing that the force of arms and the symbol of the cross must subsume the force of diverse ideas and disparate culture. This is a prescription for disaster.

For the sake of argument, let me suggest that we would all be better off if we broke up America into 5 separate countries of about 60 million people each. Those new regional countries would then share relatively common cultures. They might choose to bond with their neighboring confederacies for common defense and trade purposes, much as Europe bonds together in the EU. However, each country would maintain its unique government, culture, self organization.

I have been working on this idea since "W" won in ’04 with a campaign of division and regional animosity. It seemed, at the time, that we had reached a moment when the ideal of bridging our national divides was no longer possible. The events of the past few months with the politics of hate and fear blooming in certain regions have caused me to pull out this idea and dust if off for reconsideration. It is still in formation and will require a lot more in the near future. But, I figured that this was as good a time as any to float it again.

Part of the concept arises from the idea that we can no longer manage the level of complexity required to keep the whole US show running. For a while, I have been fascinated with the concept of complexity theory and the work of Joseph Tainter which basically says that complex societies tend to get more complex until they can no longer manage things, whence they collapse. The Oil Drum has an interesting post in that regard Excerpts from "Peak Civilization: The Fall of the Roman Empire" Posted by Ugo Bardi In this exploration he cites Tainter’s work and the old Club of Rome, Limits to Growth ideas.

Remember the poor Club of Rome. They were right about the limits to growth, but because they weren’t right about the limits being felt in the 1970s, their work was discounted forever. Looks like we are now getting a cultural lesson in the downsides of unfettered growth. The damn machine gets overheated, and we all bounce around like drops of water on a hot skillet.

Right now it feels like the complex machine which is our abundant economy is melting down, burning up and thrashing about inflicting havoc upon many other countries. Our inability to respond to the challenges of the melting environment, chaotic social organization of services, imperial overreach, and economic madness suggests that we have reached the end of our rope and that end is unraveling quickly.

All of this seems to happen with a backdrop of the possible decline of Industrial culture. I was directed by the Arch Druid to an interesting discussion in last week’s Guardian: Is there any point in fighting to stave off industrial apocalypse? In it, Two British intellectuals, Paul Kingsnorth. and George Monbiot argue whether the collapse of civilisation will bring us a saner world.

Admittedly, this seems a diversion from the opening theme of proposing the dis-unification of the American state. Let me bring it back around by suggesting that we are exacerbating the current disfunction in so many of our system by maintaining the illusion that we can continue to bridge our differences. This whole stew of rapid dislocation of the American prospect seems to cross a lot of boundaries. Its really scary seeing how large systems fail, how problems get intertwined and culture creates the ability or inability to respond to large issues forces one to bust one's brain in order to try to figure out a way to see a humanistic solution to the coming disruptions. That brain bust seems to get soothed by the elegance of Small is Beautiful and the notions that appropriate levels of decision making will help all our comfort levels. Is it any wonder then why the idea of downsizing America has an appeal?

Everywhere we are hearing the demand that we need to downsize and downscale the government. A lot of people seem to want their taxes cut along with governmental intrusion in their lives. It seems to me that this shrinkage can either be done by cutting the cojones off the safety net, or, as I would propose, cutting up the country into nations of mare manageable size and common purpose.

On the face of it, one could suspect that a country of 60 million people has to be less complex than a country of 300 million. Moreover, it seems like other countries of about 60 million like France, or Germany or England manage to maintain public health systems, education systems and often even a vibrant economies (though that is a tough pitch for any industrial economy right now).

Dividing up the good ol' US of A into 5 countries each of about 60 million people would make each new country comparable to the many of the best economies in the world. Not only would the size be more manageable the economy viable but, done right, each of these new subdivisions will also have a lot more internal cultural cohesion than the current mess. I have even been thinking about calling these newly formed countries “Cultural Confederacies” because it is possible with greater internal cultural cohesion they could then make their own laws that would better reflect the will of the governed.

Think about it. If you took New England, New York and New Jersey you would have a "nice" country of about 60 million, with a common history of commerce and intellectualism. Call it Yankeeland, . The same would hold true if you combined Northern California, Oregon and Washington into Ecotopia. Imagine the joy in the Old South if Dixie no longer had the damn Yankees telling them what to do. All those Christian Farmers in the Midwest could join with their fellows in the mountain states and deserts down to Los Angeles for to create Libertariana. Finally, the solid industrial heartland from Pennsylvania to Minnesota could form a well Unionized Union.

In five quick radical regionectomies, the newly reduced body politic could have their dreams of less government fulfilled. Within this new division, if those in Dixie wanted to outlaw abortion, and make the 10 Commandments part of their constitution, they could just do it. They could make faith healing a covered benefit in their health care system. Hell, it could be the whole system. The rest of us wouldn’t have to care. Of course when the regional refugees wanted into our new "Socialized" system, we might have to worry about illegal immigrants, but that is a ways off yet.

Obviously there are lots of organizational considerations needed to complete the picture of such a new political geography. I intend to start addressing them in future posts. But I wanted to get the essence of the idea up now, because dammit, its time for some new ideas. So I figured I would put this out there for those of you who take the time to read this. Maybe you will then offer your own suggestions, critiques and refinements.

Its just that we seem to have a lot of work to do right now to fix the world and the awful inequities building up. That work won't get done in the political system as now constituted. So I figure its worth presenting alternative ideas to try to focus our attention on ways out of the current paralysis.

In recognizing the scope of work we have ahead, I would also like to tip my hat to Jim Kuntsler, who did a wonderful job in his current post Reality Receding. He lays out the real tasks at hand for the near future. I think it would be easier to address this list in a re-organized American continent, but for the hell of it, I will end by just reprinting his run on laundry list.

we have to rescale the activities of daily life to a level consistent with the mandates of the future, especially the ones having to do with available energy and capital. We have to dismantle things that have no future and rebuild things that will allow daily life to function. We have to say goodbye to big box shopping and rebuild Main Street. More people will be needed to work in farming and fewer in tourism, public relations, gambling, and party planning. We have to make some basic useful products in this country again. We have to systematically decommission suburbia and reactivate our small towns and small cities. We have to prepare for the contraction of our large cities. We have to let the sun set on Happy Motoring and rebuild our trains, transit systems, harbors, and inland waterways. We have to reorganize schooling at a much more modest level. We have to close down most of the overseas military bases we're operating and conclude our wars in Asia. Mostly, we have to recover a national sense of common purpose and common decency.

Cultural Confederacies anyone?


  1. I thought about this after we talked earlier today. The problem with this is the same as the problem faced by those who want to keep illegal immigrants from access to health care. If a pregnant 16 year old Colombiana shows up at an emergency room needing help with a delivery, the ER staff won't ask if she is a US citzen, and they won't turn her down. That's what the conservatives hate, but that's the right thing to do, and what ultimately even the conservatives would choose to do.

    If we split the country up into smaller countries, and places like the South and SouthWest fall into complete chaos, folks from there will just try to move here. We could, in theory, build a big wall, like Israel or Texas, but they would just get bigger ladders and come in anyway. If they are starving on our streets we will be forced to feed and clothe them, and that would be exactly the right thing to do.

  2. Thanks. I read this quickly before logging off. If, despite so much evidence to the contrary one believes our divisions are unbridgeable, I would say one needs to believe that, and there is no point arguing the matter.
    For many, it is political. When McCain surged before stumbling last year the left was ready with proof Obama lost because he was black. Now that his approval rating has dipped to 53 we hear the same saw.
    Racism will always be true of an ever dwindling cohort. But the political extremes need their bogey men. In this case it's the left that clings to its need for a nation of racists.
    Intuitively, I do think that the virulent opposition to Obama's speech to school children was inspired by racism in many cases.
    Obama's problem at the moment is not racism, it's that he is treating the presidency as just another caucus or primary to be won with the methods of 2008. He will learn, quickly, I imagine, that it's much more than that.

  3. Our shared similarities as a nation of Americans far outweigh our political, regional, religious, and socioeconomic differences. All of the debates -- Rush Limbaugh versus Move On, red states versus blue states, MSNBC versus FOX News -- fail to account for the fact that the vast majority of Americans live in the middle of the bell curve of
    the ideological spectrum. And one of the shining beauties of our nation is that extremist viewpoints are tolerated, allowed, and frequently encouraged. Much of the rest of the world
    lives in awe at our respect for free speech, philosophical differences, and tolerance of diversity.

    Moronic chatter about dividing the country is just that -- moronic and small-minded. While I might STRONGLY disagree with my redneck brethren on many social issues, they too still want the best for their children, a safe community, and a healthy lifestyle. And what is wrong with that ? Ideological differences are not respected, nor evolved, by separating one's self from those with different opinions. Maybe a better strategy than slamming the door in your neighbor's face and being a segregationist is to lead by example ? MLK is a guy that comes to mind.

    Sure, America has huge problems and vast challenges. It is still, however, one of the most blessed places on the planet. Anyone who does not like our country and our
    fabulous Union is free to leave. Hundreds of international flights leave daily -- don't let the jetbridge close without you.

  4. The frustation in the blog is palpable.My guess is that if serious efforts to bridge the gap were made, that would be enough to start the dialogue.
    More practicaly we need to caste on eyes on "irreoncilable" that evaporated - South Africa, palestine right now, smokers, Switzerland, etc. One real spin out is intriguing: how about the northeAST???????

  5. Which one gets Washington DC. ???? That's the one I want to steer clear of!

  6. I think it makes a lot of sense to consider breaking up the United States into regions of common culture or perspectives. We should follow Tony Blair devolution approach which gave Scotland and Wales the right to succeed from the UK.

    Had we followed this approach earlier, the Vietnam war would have been shorter, there would have been no Iraq War. Yankeeland and Ecotopia would have combined to resolve Global Warming, education, and healthcare issues and there would be less conflict in the land. God only knows what would happen to Jesus land.

    Count me in on supporting any state which would like to succeed.

  7. Danogenes,
    I have no idea who you are but I have been thinking these same things, though less elegantly, I sometimes find myself wishing that the civil war had never been fought and the north had let the south go. We all know that ultimately the war was not really about freeing the slaves. I totally agree that we are to big and are really being governed by the fringe on the far right...
    Thank you for this stimulating thoughts. Everyone knows that small is better....

    I look forward to hearing more

  8. I'm sure the south is more than capable of taking care of itself.

  9. The constitutional solution to the criminal control that we are currently oppressed with from the federal government is for states to either individually declare self rule or join with other states in a confederation and break away from federal control. Since the federal government is nothing more than a criminal organization that has collectively committed treason against the people they are supposed to serve and represent and since there is no governing body able to hold them accountable for their atrocities, thefts and crimes then the people of the several states have the responsibility to step in and do so by declaring the feds crimes and no longer taking part with them.

    1. The feds did 911 and have ever since covered that up and blamed it on innocent Muslims.

    2. The feds used 911 to get americans to attack innocent Muslim nations and steal the resources.

    3. The feds have stolen all the money from the states and devalued our currency to worthless paper or meaningless electronic numbers.

    4. The feds have taken our children and used them in unjust wars to kill innocent people and kill and cripple our children in the process.

    5. The feds have stolen trillions of dollars through the pentagon missing money theft and their engineered financial crisis (extortion) and directed that money to the organizations and people who are actually responsible for doing 911.

    6. The feds are in the process of setting up a police state under the pretense of fighting terrorism while they are the actual terrorists.

    7. The feds(cia banksters etc.) killed president Kennedy and then took silver out of our money to enslave us to their worthless system of fiat money and usury.

    8. The feds are a dictatorship over the states through their court system, financial control, taxation and unconstitutional federal laws passed by an owned and controlled congress.

    On and On and On and On.

    It is up to a state with true freedom loving people to declare their independence and no longer take part in the feds crimes as their accomplice in fraud, theft and mass murder. The constitution provides for states to oppose the feds and the crimes of the feds demand justice. Since there is not one member of congress willing to state the truth of what happened on 911 they are co-conspirators in the treason against the people and the world.

    All the money that has been stolen from the people by the ultra-rich on the basis of the lies we have been given for the past many years needs to be taken from them and used by the state to fund their new independence. There is not one rich corporate leader that has offered a solution to the so-called financial crisis(extortion) that does not start with taking more money from the people. The corporate leaders are complicit in the feds crimes and have profited from those crimes all along while awarding huge sums of the peoples stolen money to themselves while being protected by their federal criminal organization. Since their only answer is to steal more money they are no more than ultra-thieves that a state should arrest, prosecute and confiscate all their criminally acquired riches.

    There does not need to be a violent uprising to stop the feds. A state legislature simply had to do it's constitutional duty for the people of their state. It is legal, just, and exemplifies the values of freedom loving people who have thrown off the chains of oppressive criminal governments throughout history.

    These are the simple answers but apparently the people of the several states are too stupid, controlled, lazy, chicken, comfortable as slaves, brainwashed by media propaganda, entertained, overfed, lovers of worthless dollars as well as participants in the feds crimes and unwilling to do their constitutional and moral duty.

  10. I have been thinking these same things, though less elegantly, I sometimes find myself wishing that the civil war had never been fought and the north had let the south go. We all know that ultimately the war was not really about freeing the slaves. I totally agree that we are to big and are really being governed by the fringe on the far right...
    Thank you for this stimulating thoughts. Everyone knows that small is better....

    I look forward to hearing more
